2010年1月14日 星期四





“What I Want For You- And Every Child in America”
by President-Elect Barack Obama (Published in Parade Magazine)

Dear Malia and Sasha,

I know that you've both had a lot of fun these last two years on the campaign trail, going to picnics and parades and state fairs, eating all sorts of junk food your mother and I probably shouldn't have let you have. But I also know that it hasn't always been easy for you and Mom, and that as excited as you both are about that new puppy, it doesn't make up for all the time we've been apart. I know how much I've missed these past two years, and today I want to tell you a little more about why I decided to take our family on this journey.

[My notes]
cam·paign /kæmˈpeɪn/ n [C]
a series of actions intended to achieve a particular result relating to politics or business, or a social improvement

trail1 /treɪl/ n
all the places that a particular group of people visit for a particular purpose
trail 有很多解釋,這邊取其中一個名詞解釋:一個團體為了某一個特別的目的,所去拜訪的所有地方。

campaign/election trail

make up
請注意,是 make up,不是 make-up,
make up 也有很多意思,在這邊的意思是"彌補

I'm trying to make up the time I lost while I was sick.
Have you made up with Patty yet?

a·part /əˈpɑːt US -ɑːrt/ adv, adj
if people are apart, they are not together in the same place, or not having a relationship with each other

When I was a young man, I thought life was all about me—about how I'd make my way in the world, become successful, and get the things I want. But then the two of you came into my world with all your curiosity and mischief and those smiles that never fail to fill my heart and light up my day. And suddenly, all my big plans for myself didn't seem so important anymore. I soon found that the greatest joy in my life was the joy I saw in yours. And I realized that my own life wouldn't count for much unless I was able to ensure that you had every opportunity for happiness and fulfillment in yours. In the end, girls, that's why I ran for President: because of what I want for you and for every child in this nation.

[My notes] 
mis·chief /ˈmɪstʃɪf/ n
bad behaviour (especially of children) that is annoying but does not cause any serious damage or harm
Those children are always getting into mischief

count1  /kaunt/ v
to be important or valuable
count 我們知道常常用做"計數"的意思,但是這裡是表示"重要"。

First impression really do count.
His promises don't count for much.

ful·fil·ment BrE fulfillment AmE /fulˈfɪlmənt/ n [U]
the feeling of being happy and satisfied with your life because you are doing interesting, useful, or important things

run for + (sb/sth)
to be a candidate in an election for a political position, especially in the US
British Equivalent:stand for
在美式英文中,run for 也有"從事競選"的意思

to run for president
to run in the election
Clinton ran a second time in 1996.

I want all our children to go to schools worthy of their potential—schools that challenge them, inspire them, and instill in them a sense of wonder about the world around them. I want them to have the chance to go to college—even if their parents aren't rich. And I want them to get good jobs: jobs that pay well and give them benefits like health care, jobs that let them spend time with their own kids and retire with dignity.

[My notes]
in·stil BrE instill AmE /ɪnˈstɪl/ v
to teach someone to think, behave, or feel in a particular way over a period of time
灌輸 (情感/思想)

instill confidence/fear/discipline to sb

I want us to push the boundaries of discovery so that you'll live to see new technologies and inventions that improve our lives and make our planet cleaner and safer. And I want us to push our own human boundaries to reach beyond the divides of race and region, gender and religion that keep us from seeing the best in each other.

[My notes]
push (back) the boundaries of sth
to make a new discovery, work of art etc that is very different from what people have known before, and that changes the way they think
boundary 是邊界,或界線的意思,把 sth 的邊界推開,就是挑戰 sth 的極限,去發掘已知以外的事物。所以 "to push the boundaries of discovery" 這邊可以翻譯成 "向發現的極限挑戰"。

be·yond1  /bɪˈjɔnd US -ˈjɑːnd/ prep, adv
on or to the further side of sth
The road continues beyond the village up into the hills.

beyond the divides
divide 當名詞可以指意見或是信念的分歧,造成人與人之間的摩擦。
所以 beyond the divides 就是"跨越人與人之間的藩籬",至於是什麼藩籬呢?
那就是 divides of 後面接的那一大串囉。

keep (sb/sth) from sth
to prevent sb from doing sth or prevent sth from happening

His ex-wife had kept him from seeing his children.
I hope I haven't kept you from your work.
Put the pizza in the bottom of the oven to keep the cheese from burning.
The play was so boring, I could hardly keep myself from falling asleep.

Sometimes we have to send our young men and women into war and other dangerous situations to protect our country—but when we do, I want to make sure that it is only for a very good reason, that we try our best to settle our differences with others peacefully, and that we do everything possible to keep our servicemen and women safe. And I want every child to understand that the blessings these brave Americans fight for are not free—that with the great privilege of being a citizen of this nation comes great responsibility.

[My notes]
only for a very good reason

ser·vice·man /ˈsəːvɪsmən US ˈsəːr-/ n plural servicemen /-mən/ [C]
a man who is a member of the military
同理,servicewoman 就不解釋了。

That was the lesson your grandmother tried to teach me when I was your age, reading me the opening lines of the Declaration of Independence and telling me about the men and women who marched for equality because they believed those words put to paper two centuries ago should mean something.

[My notes]
read sb sth
read (sth) to sb
to say the words in a book, newspaper etc so that people can hear them

She helped me understand that America is great not because it is perfect but because it can always be made better—and that the unfinished work of perfecting our union falls to each of us. It's a charge we pass on to our children, coming closer with each new generation to what we know America should be.

[My notes]
It's a charge we pass on to our children, coming closer (with each new generation) to what we know America should be.
pass on to 是"傳遞"的意思,coming 後面接的子句是用來形容 charge。

I hope both of you will take up that work, righting the wrongs that you see and working to give others the chances you've had. Not just because you have an obligation to give something back to this country that has given our family so much—although you do have that obligation. But because you have an obligation to yourself. Because it is only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you will realize your true potential.

[My notes]
ob·li·ga·tion  /ˌɔblɪˈgeɪʃən US ˌɑːb-/ n [U and C]
a moral or legal duty to do sth

Parents are under a legal obligation to educate their children.

hitch1 /hɪtʃ/ v
to fasten sth to sth else, using a rope, chain etc
用繩子或鍊子把東西拴住 (在本文中的意思)

She hitched the pony to the gate.

to get a free ride in a person's car; to travel around in this way, by standing at the side of the road and trying to get passing cars to stop
hitch across/around/to

The hitched a ride in a truck.
We spent the summer hitching around Europe.
They hitched accross the States.

hitch sth (up)
to pull up a piece of your clothing

She hitched up her skirt and waded into the river.

get hitched
to get married

They got hitched without telling their parents.

These are the things I want for you—to grow up in a world with no limits on your dreams and no achievements beyond your reach, and to grow into compassionate, committed women who will help build that world. And I want every child to have the same chances to learn and dream and grow and thrive that you girls have. That's why I've taken our family on this great adventure.

[My notes]
com·mit·ted /kəˈmɪtɪd/ adj
willing to work hard and  give your time and energy to sth

thrive /θraɪv/ v past tense thrived or throve /θrəuv US θrouv/ past participle thrived [I] formal
to become very successful or very strong and healthy

New businesses thrive in this area.

thrive on sth
to enjoy sth or be successful at sth, especially one that other people find difficult or unpleasant

He thrives on hard work.

I am so proud of both of you. I love you more than you can ever know. And I am grateful every day for your patience, poise, grace, and humor as we prepare to start our new life together in the White House.

Love, Dad

[My notes]
poise1 /pɔɪz/ n [U]
a calm, confident way of behaving, combined with an ability to control your feelings or reactions in difficult situations

She seemed embarrassed for a moment but quickly recovered her poise.

1 則留言:

  1. 這樣子作筆記真的很累,也很花時間......
